My mother Lorraine and I are refurbishing library card files (furniture for the art studio).
Mom unscrewed the brass fittings, and I sanded the wooden drawer fronts. We will continue the project today.
Mom cleans each of the brass fittings with steel wool. Ater sanding, we'll prime the frame and drawer fronts, and finish with two coats of black satin paint.
What was Beneath the Cat
Happy New Year??
EEEK...How can it be almost 3 weeks since my last post?
Once again, I have so little to show for those 3 weeks.
No projects have been fin...
Wow, that's a lot of drawers to sand and clean! My fingers would surely freeze up working on all those little brass pulls! I commend you and your family for really digging in to finish your major projects. Kudos!