A garland of red glass berries. If you use these towels and disturb the garland, I'm going to have to hurt you.
Not so long ago I would never pair two shades of blue (blue and turquoise towels). But someone put those colors together, and I said, okay I can do that, but don't make me put red and pink together--no, no.
Stand back, take another photo of the bathroom.
The walnut dresser gets some snowmen. Most of the glitter is rubbed off these snowmen, and they look a bit worn. I keep thinking I have more snowmen, but I remembered major de-cluttering a couple of months ago with my friend Pam (A clutter policeman). She was ruthless with me, asking me when was the last time I used this and that, and finally I stopped whining and got rid of two car loads of boxes of magic stuff like snowmen I'd kept long after they were considered cute.
A close up photo of two snowmen who are serving their last Christmas sitting on the underwear dresser in the bathroom.
I bought this handsome walnut dresser at St. Vincent goodwill store. There were two similar dressers. I made a deal for one of the dressers, IF they were willing to give me two drawer pulls off the second dresser to make one dresser complete.
The hula skirt beads shade I purchased at a consignment shop for $15. It is a great look for a reproduction item, and I love the amber lighting--taking an evening bath in the clawfoot tub.
The white wicker rocking chair is used as often as the toilet. I'm not kidding. I sit in the rocker and put on my socks in the morning. And while I'm taking a bath, the rocker holds my towel.
A fancy basket to hold tp paper and favorite magazines.
The print is, "The Waldorf, 1930" by Rinesch. I first saw it in 2007. Admired it, laughed out loud seeing it, and bought the print knowing I'd put it in the upstairs bathroom (finished May 2009). What I didn't plan for, (dah) was the size of the artwork. I still love the piece, but it is too big for the space.
Many years ago I bought these bird curtain rod holders. I didn't know when or where I'd use them. Just liked them a lot. Glad I saved them; they look good here in the bathroom. Did you hear that Pam? I'm glad I saved them!
I love to decorate the house with birds . . . picking up on the blue herons etched glass on the front porch doors. I found 5 of these great bird hooks. Two are installed in the bathroom on the east and west closet doors, and two on doors in the east bedroom. The last one will go on the closet door in the master bedroom.
Final thought. The bathroom is looking good since we created it in May 2009, however like all the rooms upstairs--we are still lacking crown molding. In February I start the last room, actually the long 28ft. x 5 ft. wide upstairs hallway. After those walls are repaired, and painted--we'll move all the furniture round and round again in each room so we can install crown molding upstairs. Our work is never done, it seems.
I feel a song coming on . . . in every job to be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and snap--the job's a game. And every job you undertake becomes a piece of cake, a life, a dream, its very plain to see, that a . . . . .
You finish the song. Come on, I know you know this one.
You are quoting Mary...Mary Poppins that is....a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down :)
ReplyDeleteI cannot get enough photos of your bathroom...eye candy.
We live in an old farmhouse and I have this rather large bathroom (converted from a small bedroom) and someday I am going to remodel it. Someday.
I love your Waldorf print and sometimes I like when something is obviously too large, lol. Your underwear dresser is simple lovely and those little birdie hardware pieces are devine :)
Merry CHRISTmas!
Hi Gail,
ReplyDeleteYou know your musicals, don't you Gail! Do you ever just burts into song while doing chores?
I confess when I'm working on projects my mind wanders all over the place. Sometimes I pray, and sometimes I sing, ranging from Mary Poppins to A Mighty Fortress is Our God.
Can you finish this one? Whenever I feel afraid, I hold my head errect, and whistle a happy tune, so no one will suspect I'm afraid. I want to say it is from The King and I.
Funny thing right now I can't even remember its title, ha ha, but that doesn't keep it me from singing it.
Call me . . . I'll come work on your bathroom. Do you need somebody to sand or paint?
What do you want to do in your bathroom remodel? Why not blog about it?
Glad you stopped by Gail. Merry CHRISTmas to you and your family.
Mrs. D
P.S. --my middle name is Gail. My father's name is Gale.
Mmmm I love seeing your beautiful bathroom!
ReplyDeleteLove everything in it!
I am saving a few of your pictures in my inspiration folder!
{we just moved into a victorian and she needs lots of tlc}
Thank you for inspiring me!
P.S. red and pink are wonderful together...go ahead you can try it!!!!
Merry Christmas,
While shivering in my shoes
ReplyDeleteI strike a careless pose
And whistle a happy tune
So no one ever knows I'm afraid!
- The King and I (you are correct!)
Linda, I love your posts. It's nice to hear the thought processes you go through in your home restoration and decorating! I love all your bird hooks and the curatin rod. They look so great with the white woodwork. I would kill to be able to have a bathroom as nice as yours. Well, maybe not quite. I think I would live in there, though. Move my computer in, eat my meals there.
But your other rooms are just as lovely.
Have a great holiday season!
There is NOT A THING about your bathroom that I do not like...but I am absolutely faint over the blue-green beaded board.
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOSH...my heart nearly stopped..I have always seen it white or off white but never this color...if I don't have that in my bathroom in the next year ...shoot me !
OH just so love that color!!
Came across your blog by sheer luck.....joined IMMEDIATELY.
BE sure to come over when you have time...and see my collection of "DELIGHTFUL CLUTTER".....and don't forget to look back thru my OLDER posts.
I jump around as my AADD mind never sleeps.
Do not have an older home, but when you step inside our door there is NO DOUBT what era I ADORE.
Oh my! I'm a new fan & an eager follower! I'm so glad we found each other. The flower trim is lovely. Your bathroom is lovely. Your home is lovely. What else can I say? You are very inspirational. I need to get back to work on my old house.
ReplyDeleteOh my! I'm so glad we found each other. I'm a new follower of your blog. The flower trim is lovely. Your bathroom is lovely. Your home is lovely. What else is there to say? You are really inspiring me to get back to work on my old house. Have a super day!