
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Mystery Object - What Is it?

Mystery Object - What is it?

Can you guess?

Living in a 125 year old Victorian house is the perfect situation for collecting and displaying old and odd things, (besides me).

I had to do some research on this mystery object myself.  Let's see if you can solve the mystery.

Please leave me a comment, and tell me what you think it is.  

Funny comments are recommended, and more serious guesses are acceptable.    Outrageous Explanations of its use (as you see it) could draw rounds of applause.  

The moderation comments feature is enabled which allows me to read your comment and reply to you.   Half the fun is reading what everyone else guesses.  

Do you like mystery objects like this?  If yes, then I know you'll enjoy reading Road to Parnassus blog, where my friend Jim offers photos of mystery objects.  We all enjoy guessing what the hell is that?    Here's a link to his blog.  Enjoy!

Scroll Down for the answer to Linda's Mystery Object - What is it?

It's an "all metal" foot control for a 1929 Singer Model 99

When I started collecting sewing machines, this was my first purchase.  It sews like a dream.  Love the way it starts and stops efficiently.  Mr. Wizard (Ed Lamoureux)  of Vintage Sewing Machines blog tells me some unusual shaped foot controls like these were offered as kits. 

Check out Ed's wonderful blog at: