Imagine our surprise. The Iola Historical Society brought us this amazing photograph of our home c. 1903. Second left is our own Mabel Wrolstad, youngest daughter of Mathea and John Olson Wrolstad (builders/first owners of our 1893 Queen Anne). I'm guessing she's about 16 years old in this photo.
Below is the porch as it is today. Not much changed. I'm in the process of restoring the original 116 year old porch spindles (cleaning, patching with wood filler, sanding, replacing dowel ends). We refrabricated the two-piece railings to match original. When I finish spindles we'll re-assemble railings and build front steps. Later on I'll post photos as we complete the project.
Unfortunately the original railings are wafer thin, broken and decayed. Nonetheless we saved all those pieces and gave some pieces to grandchildren of the second owners.